Monday, January 12, 2009

Stay super healthy by drinking white tea

Stay super healthy by drinking white tea

by Jack Robbins

White tea gets its name from the way its buds turn to white when it dries out. It has been a long lost secret of the Chinese people and only recently has it been exposed to the west. Moderns scientists claim that it has to be one of the best health drinks ever produced by nature. So, what exactly is all the fuss about?

White tea contains antioxidants that help stop the growth of cancer cells as well as prevent the growth of new ones. It has been found quite effective in preventing the formation of various kinda of cancer. Research is still ongoing on its aid to cancer patients.

It makes your bones stronger. Studies have shown that people who drink white tea have a higher bone density and strength then non-drinkers, thus helping to fight against and prevent from osteoporosis's and arthritis.

White tea aids blood pressure. It does this by thinning the blood thus reducing overall blood pressure. It also helps improve blood circulation which has been one of the things green tea can not do.

It lowers cholesterol levels. Another group of antioxidants called Catechins has been found to reduce cholesterol levels in the body, cholesterol is basically a type of fat in our body which is necessary for our health, and white tea has been found to keep cholesterol level in just the right amount. This helps prevent hardening of the arteries and blockage of blood flow.

White tea makes your heart generally healthier. This is done by combining the above benefits of it to blood pressure, cholesterol and circulation. It helps prevent the heart from strokes. It has also been proven by research that white tea can reduce the chances of getting a heart attack by 50 percent.

White tea improves the skin tone and makes it look more fresh. A number of reasons can cause pale skin and aging. White tea combats this by getting rid of free radicals in the skin which are otherwise responsible for wrinkling and aging. It has also been know to reverse damage to the skin caused by sunlight.

To conclude, White tea has many more benefits that would take more than a few hundred words to write. - 20490

Before purchasing anything, make sure you read our blog to find out more regarding ( white tea and why it would be really perfect for you.

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