Thursday, July 23, 2009

Google Ad Quality Depends On You

Google Ad Quality Depends On You

by Nick Trebble

Advertising is the main factor used in calculating the amount of successful publicity a product will get. While using the Internet to find prospects for a business or product that will be sold, the Google ad quality is the key ingredient. When applied correctly this is the greatest advertising tool available.

First of all, the word quality needs explained to make the point as clear as possible. Using common words is a good practice. Also use words that are popular. Think clearly about your advertisement. Attempt to generate a concoction of words that can be tied together and expressed effectively.

Next, make up several slogans that may be used in relation to the product or item. After publishing, these different Google ads can be compared to decipher which word combination contains the higher traffic volume gain. Then make up some more. Basically, the combinations of words used along with which words are used will turn the sales key.

Choose themes that can be applied to the Google ads quality content. Content of simple words used in easy to interpret styles will get more traffic than poorly worded paragraphs. The main objective is to get as many visitors to a site as technologically possible. The words that are used and how they are wrapped into a description should base the theory of creating a Google ad.

Use adjectives that create a colorful visual projection of the product. The headline is the first thing a prospect will see. This can be highlighted, written in all capital letters, and there can be symbols or underlining applied. Try to think of creative ways to project the words that will stand out. Think of it like this. You are in the middle of a crowd of people and you see an old friend on the other side of the crowd. What will make you get noticed? Waving the arms? Probably not unless you are seven feet tall. By the time you make it through the crowd the person will be gone, so you start yelling their name, and because you are wearing a bright yellow shirt that person's attention is drawn to you immediately above all the other voices.

In other words the number of words used is not the ticket to successful Google ads quality. It is simply how the words are placed into the descriptions. The descriptions do sell the products however getting noticed by web surfers will seal the entire sales deal.

After the publication of the Google ad is placed. There is another test that can be performed. Type your keywords into a search engine and look for your ad. Finding out where you ad is placed can help you to better an advertisement. For example, you would not want an advertisement for and e-book about planting scallions ending up on a green energy web page. These two subjects do not have anything in common and your ad will most likely be overlooked.

Finally, the business is ready for a significant blast off. Keep an eye on the movements linked to the amount of viewing and Google ad produced is receiving. Then constantly think about ways to perfect an already selling advertisement. Remember with anything it can always be better because there is no perfect world. - 20490

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