Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Simple Explanation Of RSS

A Simple Explanation Of RSS

by Samo Yanezic

When someone asks you to explain how RSS feeds work, how do you respond? Perhaps you fumble about, unsure, you may even try to flub it a bit to look like you understand ti completely. Maybe you just go directly to a web site that will give you the definition. Whatever the case, if you find it difficult to explain RSS feeds easily, you may not be able to explain it thoroughly.

If you are like many of the people on the net today, you are trying to attract attention to get hits, visitors or sales. The fact of the matter is, you are not going to attract that attention unless you have set up an RSS feed. Let's take a moment and review what an RSS feed can actually do for you. Once you realize it's benefits, you till see that it is a very easy and basic method of drawing visitors to your site.

The first step that should come to mind when you want to explain RSS feeds is that you should know what they stand for. It is nothing very complicated; RSS is just short for Really Simple Syndication.

Syndication, in this case, refers to taking media that you have made and making it more accessible in various different avenues. This doesn't necessarily mean a change in media, though it can. One example of syndication is what happens to comics in the paper; comics that are run by more than one paper are thought to be syndicated, and with that in mind, you'll find that your work can be as well.

Now that the term RSS feed has been defined, the next logical question would pertain to its relevance. Actually, RSS feeds have only gained importance over the last few years. As the internet has grown and matured, more and more people have created blogs and media sites. These sites are updated and checked on a regular basis, often daily. Many people have several sites that they manage, so webmasters are seeking ways to attract traffic to their sites, with as little pointing and clicking as possible.

Many people prefer the simple, the easy. They want one stop shopping and they really want it delivered to their doorstep. It is this desire that should be conveyed to new web marketers when touting the benefits of RSS feeds.

When you make your products available via RSS feeds, that means that you have given your readers instant access to every new product that you create. Those products are traveling straight to their reading list where they can check it out over their morning coffee if they like. Forget sending them reminders to click on your site, they just have to open their page and, bam! There it is, ready for them. It couldn't be much easier.

They will get it mixed up with other things that they are interested in, and essentially, you are going to be a part of their morning routine. Take some time and really consider what your options are going to be and what you need to know to make the most of this.

When you are looking at getting your own RSS feed set up, you'll find that it is quite easy. For instance, are you in a place where you already post to an online blog like MySpace or Blogspot? If you do, this there is probably an automatic way to set up an RSS feed.

Take some time and make sure that you know what RSS is, and why it is important for you to take advantage of it. - 20490

About the Author: Samo Yanezic is the Webmaster of ( Financial Freedom - The Internet`s Rising Source for Online Home Business and Investments Education. Visit Us for more help and advice. See also this ( RSS Articles page.

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