Friday, April 24, 2009

Home Business Success System. It is Simple as 1-2-3!

By John DeLellis

Success Plan

1. Set an objective or your “WHY”. Know what you are working for. Write it down, put a date on it, listed obstacles, and identify the people you need to work with, identify all the benefits (What's in it for me.) I would recommend watching a video by Zig Ziglar on my Youtube channel listed below.

2. Make a plan of action. Identify the actions you need to take on a daily monthly and yearly basis to achieve the goals and objectives you have identified.

3. Take action daily weekly monthly yearly. This is actually the most important because without action your goals and objectives will never be realized.

Work Area Schedule Habits

1. Know why you are working. Keep you goals and objects in focus. This will be a motivation for you and allow you to deal with obstacles more easily. Wish vs goal. The difference is that the goal has a date on it.

2. Your home business work area is very important. Have space in your home where you can dedicate the time that you need to invest to accomplish your goals and objectives.

3. Know when you are working. This is important because in home business you really don't have a boss or supervisor that will require an accounting of your time and productivity. In home business or small business your boss is you. Don't let your boss down.


1. Make a list. Traditional networking teaches you to (Make a list of everyone you know if you don't know a name put a description.) Increase your list by becoming active in community as well as Church political and social organizations. Once you have contacted everyone on your immediate list, what is commonly referred to as your warm list, you can employ techniques that will increase your sphere of influence and increase your list through social networking and free advertising online and offline. These techniques are outlined in the free eBook "Make Money Online Now" available in the The Ultimate internet Marketing membership ( and Global Leadership University. You can take advantage of this by clicking on the links provided below.

2. Show your plan/presentation. The first thing you need to do before providing any information is identify a need or a want in your contact/prospect. That involves asking questions and "listening". What is your contact or prospects major concerns? In many cases your prospect or contact will tell you exactly how to close the deal if you are listening. Here are some common issues for people:

a. Concerns about Money and making ends meet.
b. Security in a Job and the ability to retire where and how.
c. Quality of life. Stress, finances, charity, and lifestyle (Are you able to travel when and where you want or live how and where you want, family (Can you dedicate the time and money to make a difference in your family's lives)

I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Know what your contact or prospects "WANTS". This will become your business partners "WHY" and a motivator for them to succeed in a business. I have included several videos that will help on my YouTube below.

3. Follow up. Follow up can be bone in several ways. Follow up can be done automatically and personally. Follow up can be done automatically with the use of autoresponders. A free autoresponder is offered in the Delfi Ultimate Internet marketing Membership. Follow up can also be done in person on the phone or by mail. It is important to have set follow up processes. I have made a video on my Youtube available on this very subject by Chuck Bauer. Chuck is a sales coach in very high demand for many very large companies.


I encourage you to look at the material provided below. Take a personal inventory of what you want. Actually write it down, put a date on it, identify your obstacles and the people you need to work with and take the action needed to make your goals and dreams real for you in your life.

Free Internet marketing list building and social networking tools.

Global Leadership University
access key: strat326

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